HashivenuA Vision for a Maturing Messianic Judaism
It is our conviction that HaShem brings Messianic Jews to a richer knowledge of himself through a modern day rediscovery of the paths of our ancestors--Avodah (liturgical worship), Torah (study of sacred texts), and Gemilut Chasadim (deeds of lovingkindness).

Yes indeed! I tell you that until heaven and earth pass away, not so much as a yud or a stroke will pass from the Torah -- not until everything that must happen has happened. So whoever disobeys the least of these mitzvot and teaches others to do so will be called the least in the Kingdom of Heaven. But whoever obeys them and so teaches will be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven. Matthew 5:18-19 (CJB)
Starting in 1997, five Messianic Jewish leaders met to determine how they might best assist the Messianic Jewish movement during its next phase of development. Together they articulated seven core values describing the Messianic Judaism they envisioned. Those values have guided Hashivenu in the decades since. ... read more
Core ValuesValues and convictions of Hashivenu.
1. Messianic Judaism is a Judaism
Messianic Judaism is a Judaism and not a cosmetically altered "Jewish style” version of what is extant in the wider Christian community. ... read more
2. Torah is God's Gift to the Jewish People
God's particular relationship with Israel is expressed in the Torah, God's unique covenant with the Jewish people. ... read more
3. Yeshua is the fullness of Torah
Our goal should be to follow Torah, having faith and a desire to connect with God through the act of following. Surely, this was the life Yeshua lived and the life He desires His people to live. Every act of observance is an opportunity to connect with Him. He is the fullness of Torah. Our lives should be so full. ... read more
4. The Jewish people are 'us', not 'them'
In all aspects of life, we want to live in a Jewish neighborhood socially, culturally, conceptually so that we and our children and our children's children will not only call Yeshua Lord but also call the Jewish people "our people" and Jewish life "home." ... read more
5. Rabbinic tradition is rich and vibrant
The richness of the rabbinic tradition is a valuable part of our heritage as Jewish people. We rejoice at the privilege of drinking from our own wells, the wells from which our fathers, and from which Yeshua and the Apostles also drank and were sustained. Besides these wells we meet with Yeshua today, and here He speaks with us anew. ... read more
6. True piety requires human decency
Because all people are created in the image of God, how we treat them is a reflection of our respect and love for Him. Therefore, true piety cannot exist apart from human decency. ... read more
7. Maturity requires openness and conviction
Maturation requires a humble openness to discovery within the context of firmly held convictions. ... read more
Our FamilyThese groups embody our vision and values.

From the beginning Hashivenu was the dream of connecting Judaism’s ennobling traditions with the glorious hope embodied in Messiah Yeshua. Today the dream continues. Hashivenu thrives in the vision that was cast, the values that were established, and the many friends we have made along the way.

Camp Or L'Dor
An authentic, transforming, and Yeshua-Centered encounter for Messianic Jewish teens. ... read more

The Messianic Jewish Rabbinical Council consists of a group of ordained Messianic Jewish Rabbis and associated leaders who share a common vision for Messianic Judaism rooted in Torah, instructed by Tradition, and faithful to Messiah Yeshua in the twenty-first century. ... read more

The Messianic Jewish Theological Institute seeks to advance a Messianic Judaism that is academically sound, spiritually vibrant, and sensitive to the demands of both past and future. ... read more

Interfaithfulness helps Christians and Jews navigate life where their worlds intersect. The context may be with spouses and life-partners, in family relationships, friendships, or school, work, spirituality, or community life. ... read more

Mark Kinzer
Website for Messianic Jewish scholar Rabbi Mark S. Kinzer, PhD ... read more

Shuvah Views
"Reflections and Good News for a Change" by Rabbi Paul Saal ... read more

Reb Rez
Writings from Rabbi Russ Resnik ... read more

Helsinki Consulation
Founded in 2010 as a means to investigate theologically what it means for Jews to recognize Yeshua the Messiah of Israel ... read more